Edition No. 52

Arts and Culture

Grosse Pointe Artists Association hosts their exhibition, Feast For Your Eyes, which highlights a variety of excitement and good cheer perfect for the holiday season.
Image: Serenity by Delphine Iwankowski

Community and Family

On the 80th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks, pause to recount first-hand experiences from both civilians and service members alike.

American Democracy

A recent UPFRONT article looked at inflation sector-by-sector. Also included is a an article from The New York Times, considers the phenomena some have come to call the '“great resignation”.


Feast For Your Eyes 2021

The Grosse Pointe Artists Association invites you to visit the gallery to view the current exhibition, Feast For Your Eyes. This exhibition, which celebrates a multitude of work ranging from mixed media incorporating many holiday sentiments to pieces curated simply to uplift spirits. Alex Fedirko, assistant art director of The Parade Company, with the assistance of the company's art director Eric Schmitt, chose fifty-four pieces for this show. The richness of each one makes the exhibit a sumptuous feast for your eyes.

You can view Feast For Your Eyes in person at the GPAA gallery at The War Memorial, now through January 6. Viewing hours are 2-6:30 p.m. on Thursdays and 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday

Christmas Lights by Winnie Chrzanowski
Description: Photo framed, matted & printed on archival material
Dimensions: 11inx14in (19inx23in framed)
Material: Archival photo paper
Price: $25

The Palenqueras by Vasu Tolia
Description: I painted these cheerful fruit sellers with a charming demeanor from the streets of Cartagena, Colombia, an inspiration from my travels. The smiling ladies with their colorful wares are a prime example to how happiness shines in the eyes of folks, regardless of their social status because they choose to have a positive attitude even in their simple way of living.
Dimensions: 48inx24in
Material: Acrylic on canvas
Price: $1,200

Sketching Santa by Winnie Chrzabiwski
Description: Photo framed, matted & printed on archival material
Dimensions: 11inx14in (19inx23in framed)
Material: Archival photo paper
Price: $250

Magical Fantasy by Nobuko Yamasaki
Description: It was my first time at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in NYC, a long time ago. I remember many balloons, floats and colorful clowns. I already had a magician block print that I changed to clowns. I painted clowns and balloons, then put it all together in a collage.
Dimensions: 19inx17in
Material: Collage
Price: $500

The GPAA also hosts an art making class for veterans on Tuesdays 6-8 p.m., and A Morning Out for seniors on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. For specific dates and details, visit grossepointeartcenter.org/events.

Image: Getty Images

Eighty years ago on December 7, 1941, the military forces of the Empire of Japanese launched a sneak attack on the U.S. Navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and the surrounding facilities. The primary targets that day were the eight battleships of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet.

According to a recent article posted by Forbes, on this anniversary the hashtag #PearlHarbor was trending, as Americans young and old posted on social media and reflected on that moment that changed the nation. Images and videos were shared that reminded us for their valor and bravery, we salute them. May we never forget their strength and dedication to our nation. And every day at The War Memorial, we continue to offer our gratitude to the men and women who selflessly serve and protect our freedoms.

Take a moment to a read the Forbes article looking at how the 80th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack was remembered this year through social media.

To read the full article, click the button below.

Is Inflation here to stay or is what we are seeing likely to be more of a short-term phenomenon?

A recent UPFRONT article from the Brookings Institution looked at inflation sector-by-sector and concluded that it is predominantly a function of the pandemic and is likely to recede along with the pandemic with one possible area of exception, “The biggest risk to inflation going forward is not a continuation of the forces currently at work in the goods sector: this will not be persistent. Instead, the biggest risk is that large increases in demand for workers in the services sector will not be met by equally large increases in labor supply.” The Brookings article is available at the link below:

Writing in the New York Times, Paul Krugman considered some differences in how the US and some European nations addressed not only pandemic relief but work more generally. Before doing that, however, he first described the phenomena some have come to call the great resignation, Four million fewer Americans are employed than were on the eve of the pandemic, yet the rate at which workers are quitting their jobs — usually a good indicator of labor market tightness — has hit a record, and the scramble of employers to find workers has led to rapid wage increases. Noting that the “great resignation” is primarily an American phenomenon, Krugman concluded that this is an issue on which we might want to look to Europe for solutions. The Krugman article is available at the link below.

NOTE: The Times uses a paywall that may block your access to this story if you have read other articles in the past 30 days and do not have a subscription

Inspired Thoughts is a collection of highly curated content that embraces the spirit and purpose of The War Memorial: arts and culture, community enrichment, leadership, and patriotism.

Derived from the notion that learning from others is the key to success, Inspired Thoughts is meant to shine a light on those making a difference in the world around them. This collection features artists, poets, writers, architects, and every thought leader in-between. Inspired Thoughts is the strongest reflection of what The War Memorial stands for, and what we aim to be.

The content featured on Inspired Thoughts is curated by War Memorial leadership — we also look forward to featuring special guest curators in the near future. If you are interested in providing content for Inspired Thoughts, please email our Communications team at lcelebi@warmemorial.org.


Edition No. 53


Edition No. 51