Edition No. 66

Arts and Culture

DIA resumes tradition of presenting the Academy Award® Nominated Live Action Short Films.

Community and Family

GPAA presents 6th Annual Promising Artists Exhibition.

American Democracy

How are Supreme Court Justices selected?

DIA presents Academy Award® Nominated Live Action Short Films

The Detroit Institute of Arts is proud to resume its tradition of presenting the 94th Annual Academy Award® Nominated Live Action Short Films on the big screen! Viewers can enjoy the films at the Detroit Film Theatre leading up to the televised event this Sunday, March 27.

In order to provide access to the films viewers want to see most—while limiting seating in order to provide distancing and comfort—ticketing will be available for each category as a separate performance on a wide variety of times and dates between leading up to the Academy Awards® presentation this Sunday.

For times and tickets, visit the button below.

6th Annual Promising Artists Exhibition

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Deadline, Monday April 11

The 6th Annual Promising Artists Exhibition is part of the Grosse Pointe Artist Association’s Promising Artists program designed to give current high school students and recent alumni of the program the opportunity to showcase their work and experience the process of participating in a professional, juried exhibition.

Building on his experience in Promising Artists exhibitions, Juror Bryan Wilson began entering gallery shows last year, taking home 2nd place awards in GPAA’s Have Your Say and the Huron Art Collective's Fall Juried Exhibition. A graduate of Cass Technical High School, Wilson is completing his second year at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Assisting Wilson with his jurying duties will be Maria D'Agostini, an experienced gallery manager who has an undergraduate degree in art history and a master's degree in arts administration, both from Wayne State University.

How are Supreme Court Justices selected?

U.S. Supreme Court

Rounding back to a recent discussion of the confirmation of a new Supreme Court Justice to replace the retiring Justice Steven Breyer, now seems like a good time to learn more about the Court and how justices are selected. To do that, we turned to the Supreme Court’s official website.

The Supreme Court site is an absolute treasure trove of information about the Court, its history, its work, the Justices, and even how to visit the Court when you are in Washington -- look for links to that information along the left margin of the page at the link below. With the nomination and confirmation process heating up, however, we’ll point you first to the site’s FAQ section that begins with the question, “How are Supreme Court Justices selected?”

Inspired Thoughts is a collection of highly curated content that embraces the spirit and purpose of The War Memorial: arts and culture, community enrichment, leadership, and patriotism.

Derived from the notion that learning from others is the key to success, Inspired Thoughts is meant to shine a light on those making a difference in the world around them. This collection features artists, poets, writers, architects, and every thought leader in-between. Inspired Thoughts is the strongest reflection of what The War Memorial stands for, and what we aim to be.

The content featured on Inspired Thoughts is curated by War Memorial leadership — we also look forward to featuring special guest curators in the near future. If you are interested in providing content for Inspired Thoughts, please email our Communications team at dmurphy@warmemorial.org.


Edition No. 67


Edition No. 65