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Tai Chi and Qi Gong (Thursdays, 6-7pm)

Tai Chi, sometimes referred to as meditation in motion, is a slow-moving martial art. It is a noncompetitive, self-paced system of defined postures, flowing gracefully from one to the next without stopping. The practice of Tai Chi has been known to reduce anxiety, improve balance, flexibility, focus, build the immune system, and overall health. Scientific studies have proven Tai Chi to reduce stiffness and pain in people with arthritis and help with Parkinson's symptoms. Beginners will enjoy the Sun Style because of its high stances and easy postures. Simple Qi gong sets are included to loosen, stretch, and open the joints and tendons.

Thursdays, February 10-March 31 (OMIT 3/17)
$105 per person

$20 single drop in class

Instructor: Mary Ann Kashef from Tai Chi Detroit

About the Instructor

Mary Ann Kashef has been studying the Martial Arts for over 24 years and is a certified Tai Chi and Qigong instructor. She has taught all over the metropolitan Detroit area and has been featured on the Channel 7 News, Oakland Press, The Detroit Free Press, and was the featured guest on a local Birmingham broadcast of Graceful Aging with Greg Bator. She teaches Tai Chi Therapy and medical Qigong at Beaumont Hospital for Cardiac, Pulmonary, Women's Wellness, and Optimal Aging clients.

Her philosophy is that Tai Chi and Qigong are both a practice of balancing your own energy to heal and remaining centered through any trials or negativity that may come your way.

February 18

Tai Chi for Stress Reduction Workshop

February 22

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED